Abhilasha's mission is to guide and involve vulnerable people, especially old and disabled men, women and yoth children, in productive activities; To channelize the youth of backward areas towards constructive development path as well as harness their energy for the progress of backward areas; And also guides the poor towards sustainable economic development.
“Abhilasha” believes in sharing the context of her name and maintaining dignity when it comes to all individuals. The primary mission of the institute is to support those who not meet the basic needs of life, while empowering them, bringing light of happiness and infusing new energy in the lives of those who are facing degrading conditions and oppression.
The vision of the organization is sustainable development of rural and backward areas; Empowerment of weaker sections of the society; To remove the miseries of the public; Improving the health and socio- economic status of the underprivileged, bringing the poor into the front line of development and into the mainstream.
To help and take care of needy, neglected and neglected women, children or old people. To promote self reliance and financial independence for the underprivileged sections. Strengthening human bonds and nurturing value to life around us. To contribute in providing social acceptance and encouragement to the weaker sections of the society. To provide opportunities for self-expression and growth.
It has helped us remain true to our purpose, make decisions in the most challenging situations and navigate through the phenomenon of violence and abuse. These values, culture and principles are intrinsic to"ABHILASHA"and need to be upheld at all times. Values are qualities that are core to ABHILASHA Aid Society. Service and sharing, Equality, Moral uprightness, Excellence & Transparency.
a.Culture- At ABHILASHA, Open And Honest Communication is the ease of talking to each other and gaining understanding through it and It has been treated synonymous to listening, honesty, frankness, trust and supportiveness.
We believe and execute it through, Frequent transparent communication with external stakeholders on failures and success. Timely communication of key decisions, strategic plans by the senior leadership, Communication on ABHILASHA’S performance and plans across all its programs through quarterly reviews and annual review and Encouraging ideas through building Strategic Plans and new initiatives. b.Principles
Organization's principles and rules or guidelines that govern the way Abhilasha Aid Society's works, We Are Child Centric, We keep the child in the center of all our decisions, programme planning and actions upholding trust, safety and confidentiality, We believe strategies and plans need to be driven by evidence and social impact must be monitored and evaluated continually to solve, We work with integrity, hope and Optimism, We are process, policy and evidence driven.